Thursday, 9 August 2012

Beach Mountains


I cross processed this photograph before using the water swirl technique horizontally to make the image appear 3D and mountain-like. This greatly improves the photograph and makes it more successful.


  1. I like how the techniques you used have totally distorted and changed the original image into an abstract photograph.
    What do you mean by cross processing the photo by the way?
    Again, why does this improve and make the photo more successful (again think what your intentions were and let us know them too!)

  2. The filter was called 'cross process', it changed the colour of my photograph. This improves my photo because it captures the viewers attention much more. It's more successful because my intention was to create an image, that although clear to the viewer would confuse their minds and hold their attention for longer. I think this is successful because unlike the original, it appears 3D and is more intriguing.

  3. The manipualtions you have made have definitely made it a more ABSTRACT and confusing image, that is for sure, although how do you know it captures 'the viewers' attention more?The distortion and abstraction of the original image definitely make it intriguing, but what do you mean about it looking more 3-D?
    The original image being focused from the foreground through to the background of the image means the image has a 'deep' depth of field, does that not mean it also has a '3-D' quality despite being a 2-D image?

  4. I think that the visible waves in the image attract the viewers attention because it isn't completely flat like it would be expected. I also think it looks more 3-D as it reminds of looking at mountains from a high up view. I guess the original image does also have a 3-D quality, although I've never looked at it in that way.
